What MMT and other reform movements lack is an easily seen and directly experienced IMMEDIATE benefit to everyone. The old saw that people vote their pocket books is so true. So what if we implemented a $1000/mo. universal dividend for everyone 18 and older for life and paired that with a 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale which w…
What MMT and other reform movements lack is an easily seen and directly experienced IMMEDIATE benefit to everyone. The old saw that people vote their pocket books is so true. So what if we implemented a $1000/mo. universal dividend for everyone 18 and older for life and paired that with a 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale which would guarantee everyone $2000/mo. worth of purchasing power. That beats hell out of the one or two-off $1200 COVID Monetary Gifting checks. SHHHHH! Don't even whisper those words...they might become an idea that not even Finance can resist.
Inflation? When you can buy $3.06/gal. gas at Sam's club for $1.53 and buy a $60k Tesla for $30k...where's the inflation there? And if any commercial agent tries to inflate just hit them with a 100% tax rate on any revenue they get from inflating their prices. When EVERYBODY just got a 100% increase in their purchasing power with the policies of the new paradigm they're not going to look sanquinly on anti-social CEO's that immediately try to erode it. Think about it.
What MMT and other reform movements lack is an easily seen and directly experienced IMMEDIATE benefit to everyone. The old saw that people vote their pocket books is so true. So what if we implemented a $1000/mo. universal dividend for everyone 18 and older for life and paired that with a 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale which would guarantee everyone $2000/mo. worth of purchasing power. That beats hell out of the one or two-off $1200 COVID Monetary Gifting checks. SHHHHH! Don't even whisper those words...they might become an idea that not even Finance can resist.
Inflation? When you can buy $3.06/gal. gas at Sam's club for $1.53 and buy a $60k Tesla for $30k...where's the inflation there? And if any commercial agent tries to inflate just hit them with a 100% tax rate on any revenue they get from inflating their prices. When EVERYBODY just got a 100% increase in their purchasing power with the policies of the new paradigm they're not going to look sanquinly on anti-social CEO's that immediately try to erode it. Think about it.