I found Donut Economics before I found you. I read my dad's Samuelson when I was a kid (I was sick a lot and had run out of books). I was grateful the mechanistic view of economics I found strange at age10 turns out to be simplistic.

Economics is more complex than atmospheric science, so no surprise.

We awaiting the sequel to Defiict Myth!

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Did you use the speaking opportunity to explain the simple double book keeping entry of crediting the Federal Reserve or Bank of England account for Treasury Certificates and the U.S. or U.K. Treasure or Exchequer account in a respective equivalent value in cash?

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Nice work! We need uplifting stories like this to keep us from plunging into the abyss of utter despair. The photo of all those eager young students is just so inspiring. Thanks for doing that.

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Let’s face it Stephanie - you’re a rock star! I got to be a fan of yours (and your UMKC colleagues as well) through Naked Capitalism. I just added a subscription to Steve Keen’s Substack and I must say that all of you brilliant academics and experts somehow are able to share your insights and knowledge in an enjoyable and easy to grasp manner. I will look forward to standing in line for a signed book and the opportunity to meet you. Rock on!🤓

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Was wondering if the Brexit issue came up with regard to now having a sovereign currency since the UK transitioned from the Euro to its own currency ?

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This is beyond gratifying to read. At the same time, I wonder about COVID mitigation practices in place. It’s desperately important that these young people - and you - are protected from the effects of multiple exposures to the virus. Mitigation is possible. I hope you require it.

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awesome. :)

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