Could you please come to the UK? The debate here on “funding” government expenditure is asinine. We need you desperately.

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I concur whole heartedly with david jones. We are overwhelmed with neoliberal nonsense everyday.

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We desperately need you here in the USA, back on Bernie's team advising him on Social Security and Medicare and how to keep them funded forever. Or on Joe Biden's Econ team for funding the budget and, at the same time, giving aid to Ukraine. Congress is a mess here and the GOP (and some Dems too) seem to think the Gov't cannot afford to appropriate money where it is needed. You need to set them straight. Australia is lucky to have you. As a side note, I would like our opinion on how our banking system creates money and if you are in agreement with Dr. Richard Werner's research and explanations.

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I'm spit-balling here, but some folks say providing questionnaires, 3 or more groups of 6 to 24+ folks explain the number of human rights/needs to participate in society today

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Safe travels and enjoy! I’m eternally grateful for the fiat currency education you provided me. We’re experiencing more and more success advocating MMT to the masses. Keep up your superior efforts and action! Godspeed!

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I can't believe I missed this! Kelton, when are you in Australia again??

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As a paid subscriber to this newsletter, I expected to hear from you more than 3 times in the past 8 months of this year. There have been plenty of opportunities for you to inform us with your expert opinion on our economy and policies being implemented or proposed and the consequences of them. After all, it is a presidential election year and, once again, economic arguments are being framed in the old deficit/debt issues. It would also be nice to know about some of your speaking engagements, lectures and your appearances on financial programs (even though your links to them are sometimes behind paywalls). At one point you stated that you were writing a new book. How is that coming?

It seems the only MMT advocate we hear from regularly is Prof. Steve Keen, who is also writing a new book and has developed a new software program, Ravel, that analyzes econ data to show proofs backing up MMT's financial positions vs those of the neo-classical theorists who have led us into this neoliberal nonsense. If Professor Keen can write 2-4 substack newsletters a month as busy as he is, it seems you could write at least one a month. I am a big fan of yours and loved your "Deficit Myth" book that really opened my eyes on how the econ works, which led me into my own research and self-study on modern monetary economics. I really would like to hear from you more!

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