The only solution to a monetary and financial paradigm of Debt Only is Monetary Gifting. Fiscal deficits are monetary gifts to government contractors, UBI is a direct gift to everyone and a 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale benefits every economic agent individual and commercial. We better hope the Chinese don't wake up to the new monetary and financial paradigm before we do.

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Its not what you want. And this has been an issue for quite some time now. Not to mention its economy struggling too, especially with youth unemployment. Just a bad combination for the world's 2nd largest economy.

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A nice concise economic explanation of China’s possible financial problems. Well stated.

Geoff Davies

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As Prof Mike Hudson is fond of saying , “debts that can’t be repaid, won’t be repaid”. Can PBOC keystroke enough yuan into existence a la GWB/ Obama to keep the dragons at bay? Seems like PRC is more sovereign than we are these days....

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