Back at y'a, girlfriend

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Congrats on selling the title. Now—sigh—comes the really hard part, right?

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I'm wondering what the book is about? E.g. "What to Expect when You're Expecting (a book, or...)"?

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Certainly will be looking forward to your next book Dr Kelton ! Which hopefully will address in some detail what I understand is MMT'S No#1 policy recommendation per Dr Wray's recent book--

"A GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED JOB PROGRAM " Best Holiday wishes to you and yours -Ron Sisk

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I've been a fan since your NEP and UM-KC days, and won a tee-shirt in your "deficit owl" contest. Cannot wait for your new book! - Bill Beyer

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Today, while reading The Hartman Report of Dec 8, 2023 " Can America Wake Up from the 'Free Market Magic' Lies?" which discussed the damage neoliberalism has done to America, I was delighted to find extensive discussions of MMT in the comment section. Stephanie, Randall Wray and Warren Mosler were all mentioned. There were varying viewpoints with one commenter believing that MMT will slowly evolve as a modern economic approach as older models die off. It can't happen fast enough for me. Stephanie has made guest appearances on Thom's show and it would be great if she could read through these comments about MMT. Wish we could hear from her more often, especially about cuts republicans want to make to Social Security and Medicare. Really looking forward to the new book!

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Way to go, Stephanie!

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Congrats on the news of a new book. John Wills Lloyd writes that "Now--sigh--comes the really hard part, right?" I assume he's referring to WRITING the book. But as a diehard fan of your work, I'm reminded of what Linda Ronstadt used to sing about: "The WAITING is the hardest part."

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I would have loved to see you debating Ken Rogoff. His ideas are very cliche' and a pander to the establishment media. I hope you went easy on him! 😀

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YES! Very excited to read it and learn more about the subject

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Exciting news! Happy Holidays!

Mr. Rogoff is perhaps best known for his debt scolding, via the paper, "Growth in a Time of Debt," 2010.

Rogoff and his U of Maryland colleague Carmen Reinhart wrongly fixated on public debt in that paper, not the dangers from private debt as MMTers tend to believe. Why? R&R state that, "Our main focus has been on central government debt ... since reliable data on private domestic debts are much scarcer across countries and time."

They do note that "rapid expansion in private credit fuels the boom phase," followed by "serious deleveraging" and expansion of public debt. This point seems to have completely lost on them.

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Thanks, I look forward to the new book. Will it address current case studies such as Argentina

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Favor to ask of any Stephanie followers: can anyone provide a policy statement that a national political campaign can use to help frame their economic position around MMT precepts? I feeling there must be an off-the-shelf writing somewhere?

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