The first edition of my book, The Deficit Myth, was published in June 2020. Since then, it has become part of the curriculum in high schools and colleges/universities across the US and beyond. One of the things I love to do is to show up (usually virtually) and talk with the students who are reading the book. If you’ve adopted TDM in one of your classes, feel free to reach out!
And if you’ve developed teaching materials that you’re willing to share with others, please let me know. I’m assembling a library of resources that I hope will be useful to those who are already using the book as well as to those who are considering adopting it.
I’ve received some great content from both high-school teachers and college professors. Some use the book as a way to introduce students to the basics of macroeconomics, while others use it to teach more advanced topics in money and banking. It has also been adopted by faculty who teach at law schools or in MBA programs, as well as those who teach finance, political science, and sociology.
Today, I’m sharing some materials that Professor Eric Tymoigne uses in one of his upper-division economics courses at Lewis & Clark College. He’s using The Deficit Myth—along with books by other MMT economists—in a course called “Modern Money, Banking, and the Macroeconomy.” Here’s his syllabus.
And here’s a PowerPoint he put together to introduce his students to some of the main ideas in the book.
Dr. Kelton, here is a presentation that I did on MMT to a group of Public Banking advocates. It turned out well, so I share it with folx I want to introduce them to MMT.
Here are the slides I used for it, which includes some simple animation to share Warren's story about his kids, which people found useful
Yes, Deficit Myth left me in awe; thank you. Nothing will ever be the same. But I have to say, I'm a visual learner, it was this J. D. Alt video that really let the Deficit Myth thoughts gel for me: